Wednesday, May 5, 2010

small inspiration to update

first substantial post to this blog. rejoice, my nonexistent readers!

in attempts to unclutter what my friend calls "mind chatter", i am going to use this blog to list out my goals, desires, emotional swings, current interests, etc.

so... a list of 10 current thoughts to unclutter:

1. i need to find a job. my previous job made me realize that the paycheck is not everything, that i need to actually enjoy what i'm working on so as to maintain a good life/work balance.

2. i need to get more active. i've never been very athletic, but my body is not very happy with me right now. my first goal is to swim 800m, all freestyle and/or with fewer breaks in between (right now i rest every 100-150m, and swim breaststroke half the time)

3. i need to decide where to go in july once my lease is up. right now the choices are stay in madison, upstate NY, or bay area CA. each has their pros and cons.

4. i need to be less critical of myself and others.

5. i am debating on preordering starcraft 2 for a beta key. however, depending on the answer to #3, i might not have a computer to play it on at the end of july.

6. i need to save money since i am not making any. this means less spontaneous spending on material things that i really don't need, less eating out. trips are still exempt.

7. i should read more novels. i just got a library card, but so far all i've done is checkout dvds and a book of idioms.

8. stop being so socially awkward and shy. also quit being so stubborn. let go of what's lost, hold on to your friendships.

9. i should finish watching farscape. the dvds have been sitting here since christmas...

10. i should start planning out my international trip. start by picking between asia or europe, then pick out the individual countries.

oh one last note. using blogger means an official farewell to my xanga and livejournal sites (they have been stale anyhow). i will continue to use twitter for the short 'n sweet thoughts.

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