Tuesday, November 22, 2011

11 minus 1 is 10

pre-holiday craziness list of tens

1. had an awesome weekend hanging out with my visiting friends - photos!
2. did not realize that skyward sword theme is the reverse of zelda's theme...
3. this strand of hair was white until i quit my stressful job in 2010. i have been using it as a reminder of how long it's been since i made the bold decision to quit. it will be cut off at my next haircut and i'm actually a bit sad to part wtih it
4. my apartment is FINALLY clean after 5 months! (pics 1 2 3)
5. looking at my recent photos... i really need a camera with image stabilizer. also, i need to clean my camera lens
6. i've got two days to undo my weekend food damage to prepare for thanksgiving's food damage
7. i WILL get a TV on cyber monday... eh, if the price is right
8. the PM in me is screaming at the developers and testers, including myself. no good
9. there are so many choices to define what you will become
10. this thanksgiving, i am thankful for having such dedicated parents in my life, for without their efforts i could not do what i want at my own pace under my own roof and appreciate life for what it is


Linda said...

Your apartment is pretty!

Can't wait to visit you!

funyun said...

thanks! i would be delighted to host ya!