Wednesday, September 19, 2012


1. photo update to my summer pt2 album. stay tuned for more
2. rock climbing was much fun until i aggravate my foot pain =\
3. hooray, another song of ice and fire book done! 2 more to go...
4. new daily habit acquired - vitamins, particularly the gummy kind
5. my mom likes to send me health and resume tips - i know she means well, but it's annoying and i try not to get mad, but not sure if holding back is healthy either
6. caine's arcade global takeover is a nice reminder what kids can/would do without technology
7. i hate craigslist flakes
8. extremists are the worst kind, in both america and libya
9. dear neighbor: must you to listen to ALL your movies at full volume?
10. booked my tickets for HS reunion in a month. it will be a nice reflection on how much i've grown and how much i still need to grow


Linda said...

I've been trying to sell my couch. I haven't had one nonflake.

funyun said...

sigh, so frustrating!