Wednesday, March 30, 2011

late night linkies

just woke up from what is deemed my personal trap-warm blanket in the evening...

sunk cost fallacy explains our poor decision making skills
compilation of 10 awesome inventions, some way cooler than others
interesting perspective on how to build an emr, properly
tv settings-i've always wondered why newer tvs bother me
i'll take edible pens, though they probably won't last long
mmm mah na mah na... oh.


linda said...

tv link is broken.
i was gonna suggest you read jonah leher's "how we decide" as further reading for sunk cost and funnily i see an article by jonah linked after the article!

hi :)

funyun said...


hmm tv link is still working for me... maybe it was just down briefly.

ooo i will take a look at that article.