Monday, August 30, 2010

thoughts on job stress

further proof that my previous job was not working for me - the one strand of gray hair i've kept around has a distinct 2 inches of black starting at the root, and white the rest of the way down.

so apparently my hair grows 1 inch every two months.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

ten thoughts more

1. my summer break is officially over. i start training for a contract job tomorrow!

2. taking a class at the local technical college makes me realize how much professional experience changes the way you think about what they teach

3. my endurance has increased! i am now able to swim 800m mostly freestyle, and minimal tiring out

4. i am overly critical of myself

5. the hinges of my laptop are NOT happy right now. that new laptop might have to come sooner than i'd like...

6. recently made a trip to the MN state fair. hooray for fair food and fried everything. sorta wish I went to the TX state fair too... maybe someday

7. it's amazing how understanding certain people's thought process changes how you interact with them

8. finally put up some summer photos, including a photoshoot featuring electronics and alice and wonderland themes with the roommates. fun times =)

9. reasons why watching shows can be bad for me - i just spent almost 10hrs reskimming an anime that had almost 100 episodes. it's hard to turn away from that moment of joy when watching an awesome scene

10. piano is definitely a great relaxant for me, unless i cannot play the piece at the speed i want

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

it was a good day

today was a good day.
the weather was absolutely gorgeous. crisp skies and awesome temperatures.
the interview went well apparently. training starts on monday!
the class is at the right level for me. i will definitely learn from it.
the walk outdoors was a great time to soak in the gorgeous weather.
the brief nap in the park was very relaxing and reflective.
the raspberries were sweet and delicious, as was the pom lychee tea.

yes, today was a good day.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

materialism love

epic mickey opening - all i can say is, serves him right, and i want to play this

ninja bread men cookie cutters - hiya i make shape

shower curtain - quite amusing actually

helium - ok not really materialistic, but no more balloon gifts

ya'll fail - Howdy to you too!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

10 shenanigans

1. i need to seriously plan out my travel details for nyc (thanksgiving, maybe), san francisco (christmas), and europe (for fun). wee

2. yep, still afraid of commitment

3. kingdom hearts piano collections books are now on the top of my wish list. i also wish i could level up my piano playing skills so learning new pieces wasn't so time consuming, ex. the xion piece is really pretty but will take me many months to learn =\

4. currently into the kingdom hearts franchise (if my piano obsession wasn't enough of a cue). i finally finished 358/2 and watched through the japanese cutscenes of 'birth by sleep'. this means i really should finish chain of memories, even though i'm a bit bored of its gameplay...

5. weather is finally sticking with my ideal temperature, meaning more outdoor walks and bike rides for me. yay!

6. a semester-long $360 class makes me hold on to my money tighter than going out to $20 meals 2-3 times a week, even though the little outings adds up to more than the class. oh mental tricks..

7. pugs are seriously funny dogs. there was a pair of them at the shelter that were quite crazy, and one almost peed on the other...

8. i recently passed a lion king phase - cds looped in my car, dvd is shipping to my house, and next trip to nyc i plan to see lion king on broadway. busa simba iyo!

9. slowing down on selling things, but still made $120 this month

10. one day, i will make computer and internet usage completely off limits. just to see where it goes. should be fun.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

couple more links

some blog posts that interested me...

- the goal is to have no goals.

- venting may not be the best answer after all - catharsis

even with all the time in the world, i still feel like i don't have enough time to do all i want. right now, that means:
-play starcraft 2
-practice kingdom hearts piano collections
-finish kh 358/2 on DS
-read and finish a game of thrones
-take walks and bike rides in this awesome weather
-find and apply for jobs
-take technical class(es)
-watch toaru kagaku no railgun
-organize some stacks of paper

and then some.

i think it's more of, i want to do ALL of that in one day. one super exciting timeless never-ending day. wee.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


something in my inbox from a while ago but still cool - 自主制作アニメーション『the TV show』

sweet prank. i'll take that cube!

as for life... i stumbled upon scans of both kingdom hearts piano collections sheet music. commence tons of piano playing!

other miscellaney... you know how sometimes people say something deep that really sticks in your mind? yet they don't remember it because it was just casual conversation... yea, that's really applying to me right now.

Monday, August 9, 2010

8-9-10 intrigues

book art - very neat

tipping tips - if ever you were confused

watching despicable me made me want an army of minions to play with... and crack like a glow stick

biking around the neighborhood is quite refreshing. hills are still killer.

starcraft 2 owns my life like zerg owned kerrigan's. cept my hair doesn't turn into tentacles

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

10 things that came to mind

1. holy crap it's august of 2010. summer always flies by.

2. starcraft II owns my free time right now. my current favorite units are immortals

3. if things are out of reach, it becomes much easier to resist them. this applies to snacks and food, video games, relationships...

4. instead of being appreciative of other people's actions and kind gestures, i get bitter and untrusting because i wanted to do it myself. then i get frustrated by little trivial things. apparently my first instinct in life is to go the pessimistic control-freak route, and that needs to change.

5. bedroom is now livable, aside from the random pieces of stuff here and there. Somehow managed to fit everything in my closet and the storage spaces, though there is definitely room for more uncluttering.

6. living next door to a grocery store that has a salad bar makes me want to eat there a lot. and buy lots of fruits. unfortunately the trucks are quite noisy... but i'll get over that.

7. random revelation - the direction you turn your key for a lock is the direction the bolt goes. so to lock it, turn it towards the wall that holds the bolt. to unlock, turn it away from the bolt holder. duuuuuuh.

8. i have lots of random scratches and bruises nowadays.

9. now that i'm settled down again, i need to restart on job search and reading books. but wait, sc2... sigh.

10. recently i spoke to 3 separate people from work... speaking with them made me feel much more justified in my decision. i may not be making money right now, but i am definitely happier than i was 3 months ago.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

cool links

finally went through my google reader from pre-move.

nifty space invader couch

i sorta want this morbid book

stubborn amazon box - "uhh sir, we have a problem. the package is rolling... no, no, it's not a wheel, it's a box... yes i know you can't roll with a square wheel......"

html5 color cycling - some of these look pretty cool

nuclear bomb testing - cool representation, disconcerting what it's representing...

which came first? made me lol