Saturday, December 31, 2011

slightly obligatory new year's eve post

2011 for me was a big year of change. giant whirlwind of emotions - excitement of moving, grief due to loss, eagerness to explore, heartache of loneliness, intrigue of new hobbies, frustration at injuries... some were great, some were downright depressing.

revisiting my 2011 goals...
1. do at least one active thing per week - semi-FAIL
first half of the year, yes. 2nd half, not so much
2. travel once every 2 months - DONE!
milwaukee (2/5), twin cities (4/8), new orleans (5/6), new york (5/18), move to seattle (6/9-not exactly traveling, but let's count it), vancouver (7/30), new york (8/20), los angeles (10/20), san francisco (11/23), austin/houston (12/24)
3. finish at least one book every 2 months - FAIL
this goal fizzled in 2nd half of the year, but I did read 4 books...
4. actively pursue a real FT job - DONE!
started a new one 6/13/11
5. finish some console games currently collecting dust - FAIL
this was hard to do in the 2nd half of the year due to lack of a TV...

so. definitely need to improve on working towards my goals.

decreeing new 2012 goals...
1. call my mother at minimum once a month, work towards once a week
2. travel once every 2 months (this was a fun one from last year)
3. pickup a new activity (once the knee fully heals)
4. finish games and projects that i start
5. read 5 books

have a happy new year!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

pre-christmas tens

1. new slew of photos. december always gets crazy
2. i like the excitement of seattle, but i do miss my wisconsin friends and the simpler life of the midwest.
3. seattle taxi drivers have my vote as the worst drivers in the city
4. curse you human nature for being attracted to new and shiny things even though you already have everything you need
5. "done is better than perfect" - something i need to keep in mind
6. in several lineups of watches, my favorites were always the most expensive ones, i.e. priced in the $1,500s while the rest were $300s. apparently i have expensive tastes in watches. sigh.
7. bad years cycle
8. chronic pain also cycles (re: knees)
9. how computers work circa 1978. what a gem
10. i stay up too late nowadays. the fatigue is catching up...

texas, here i come!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

randomness is the internet

collection of links i haven't posted...

tribute to calvin and hobbes creator - puts me in the spirit =)
and to continue that spirit... damon claus made me lol
if ever you wanted an evil fireplace... here you go
awesomely crazy slide in japan
realistically over-encumbered link... and that's why it's a fun game
something everyone could use... google tips!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hello December!

We are well into December. I've been a bit lazy lately.

1. Thanksgiving photos are finally up. I took a lot this year...
2. pack rat-ness and indecison runs strong in my family
3. i do quite love the ability to walk to places i eat or shop at
4. update on my knee... i was able to run to catch a bus today with no pain!
5. it's the first time since my laser eye surgery that i need to get my eyes checked... right eye has not been happy. farewell 2 years of corrective lens-free lifestyle.
6. december is always so busy. i have so much i want to do, and so little time
7. i volunteered to do gift wrapping and it was fun! must do it again
8. impulsive purchases have gone rampant this month
9. occupy needs to die or get organized
10. gonna be in houston 12/25-12/26 and austin 12/27-1/3. haven't been back to TX in two years...