Tuesday, April 19, 2011

variety of stuff

latest happenings and thoughts x10
1. new laptop! nice and light and thin and plays sc2 with no annoying flashy lines.
2. warmer weather wholly welcomed. until it got cold and snowed again
3. general laziness shows up around the waist quickly. it makes me sad
4. went to the mall of america recently. interestingly, my money went mostly to candy and meals than clothing
5. i baked mojito and grapefruit yogurt cupcakes for a bake sale. both quite delicious. and yes, that does fulfill some of my 30 before 30...
6. and on that note, i've added more photos for spring
7. the controversy surrounding JCrew's pink nail polish on a young boy is dumb and ridiculous
8. just wow
9. the internet tends to drain all my short attention span nowadays
10. i hate having to make a decision where, either way i go, i will be sad about something

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