Sunday, June 5, 2011


A lot of stuff has happened in the past few weeks. I do mean a LOT. Random things happened, planned things didn't. I'm excited about moving, stressed about logistics, sad about recent passings, depressed about relationships, and I'm already missing friends and this city. My emotions are so jumbled that I have no idea how I'll be when people speak to me.

Just one more week until I start my new job in a new city with new faces. Nothing has worked out completely the way I wanted to. Wish I could fast forward five months to get over this heartache and stress. I want to get back to normalcy, however close I can get to it.

The one thing I am clinging to now is the old adage that "time will heal all". Which it does. But unfortunately, it takes time...

1 comment:

linda said...

I'm sorry to hear about the heartache :(