Wednesday, November 2, 2011

today is 11022011 (the american way)

holy palindrome, batman! let's spin out ten random thoughts!

1. added some more photos... the seattle adventure continues
2. my manager/lead count at work since starting in june - 6 (7 if you count helping out on a project)
3. i had been looking forward to life in a day for a while, and now you can watch the whole thing! all sorts of cultures, emotions, hilarity, sometimes graphic (warning, not for the feint of heart). it's very enlightening
4. heeeeere comes the raaaaaiin
5. knee update - currently strengthening, probably at 75% now
6. friends visiting in a couple weeks - i'm really looking excited to see them!!! =D
7. this month i will really strive to lose a couple pounds...
8. just looked at my resolutions for this year... doing/did 3/5, it will be hard to make up "do at least one active thing per week". does walking to the bus stop and uphill to work count?
9. also looked at my 30 before 30... completed 10/30. i should actively work to complete these
10. katsu curry is a delicious japanese comfort food i wish i grew up with

ten still seems like a lot. maybe i should cut it back down to 5... or somewhere in between.

1 comment:

Linda said...

don't have headphones. can't wait to watch day in the life. I always get great links through your blog.