Tuesday, August 21, 2012

latest group of tens

1. photo a day is fun, though harder to maintain than i originally anticipated
2. august is almost over. i can't believe how quickly summer went by
3. i'm frustrated with my aching body, new pains and strains, and the associated weight gain from inactivity because i'm trying to rest and heal... such a vicious cycle
4. my current class is a waste of time and money
5. the recent "extreme" seattle heat (90F is rare here) was mildly amusing and admittedly made me feel nostalgic for austin
6. knocked off one bad habit off the list - now i floss or rinse daily
7. i feel like i will grow to be a bitter old lady
8. i'm sorta withdrawing socially again...
9. nestle cookies are no longer worthy compared to homemade cookies
10. aaand massive photo update: new camera and mt. rainier

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