Sunday, December 30, 2012

austin visit and nostalgia

so... now that we've survived the apocalypse, here are 10 random thoughts from my christmas trip to austin
1. southern hospitality is genuine and really shined when dealing with a dead car at the airport
2. on day 2, my mother hinted/reminded/nudged me at least 6x about my relationship status. yea, no pressure, thanks mom.
3. doomsday was a hoax. i celebrated with ramen. it was delicious.
4. dealing with temperatures ranging from 30-80 in a single day is more frustrating than living in constant cold
5. never go to the austin trail of lights on the last saturday it's open
6. people may change, but the friendships will always remain
7. the only ones who can make me yell are still my parental units. oops.
8. the one year i didn't focus much on presents, i got pretty cool ones
9. "this is my family... is small, and broken, but still good. yah, still good." - from lilo & stitch... quote really resonates with me lately (mine's not broken, bit cracked recently)
10. i suddenly have the urge to learn to play guitar

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