Tuesday, December 24, 2013

pre-christmas thought dump

some old, some new...

1. my 30th birthday passed! i hosted a party with delicious catering, saw lots of people, and had plenty of laughs. hooray!
2. that said, the reality of "no longer in my twenties" is starting to set in..
3. i seriously need to get back into yoga
4. uploading new photos is still on my backlog of things to do =\
5. according to my car insurance, i'm married
6. eyebrows make a huge difference
7. i'm starting a charm bracelet! because... i can, and i'm bored =P
8. must stop re-living moments and create new ones instead
9. my personality type has changed from ISTJ to ISFP... interesting
10. 2013 is coming to a close. i did a ton in summer but slowed down significantly mid-fall. must not waver in plans for next year...

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