Saturday, February 15, 2014

random 10

1. the colder it gets, the more naps i take...
2. i am growing increasingly aware of how people react to my "single asian female nerd" persona
3. my internal deadline to booking japan lodging is march
4. snowshoeing is fun! cold, but fun
5. my recent knee bruise has made it very apparent that i kneel a lot
6. buying cleaning supplies is not motivation enough to clean
7. if you want something to happen, you gotta organize it yourself
8. so far this year i have baked something each week
9. must not let bitterness get in the way
10. 2013 photos! fall, fall outings, vancouver in oct, thanksgiving, winter, dec fun times, and christmas. whew. that's it for 2013, now just the 2014 pics!

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