Monday, June 29, 2015

a "maybe not so minor" turn off

From a message I received on a dating site...
"Hi!... you sound really interesting! Not too many girls are into video games."

By calling that out, I have lost any interest in meeting you. Sorry.

This bugs me a lot. Maybe it shouldn't. I'm sure that person was just trying to make conversation and is really nice in person. But this comment implies that video games is a "boy's club" thing, and I am interesting just because I'm a girl that plays video games.

Not too long ago, I would have been flattered to be treated as "one of the boys", called out as a "unique girl", etc. Lately though, I have observed/experienced the drastic differences of men who respect lady nerds vs. treating lady nerds as a prize or intrusion on their territory. Adding females as an afterthought, #gamergate harassment, and the general idea that technology belongs to the male role has opened my eyes to the misogyny that continues to plague society.

Some might say, "That's so unfair! Give him a chance! He was just being nice."
Well, I've had plenty of male potentials message me about video games without referring to gender stereotypes. For example, someone simply asked, "What games do you like?" Note there was nothing about being a girl. Turns out, lots of girls like video games. Most of my female friends growing up played video games.

Sorry for the rant, and sorry to that person who messaged me. You may have been a nice person, but one remark became a turn off for me.

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