Friday, March 4, 2016

Hello March!

Oops, already a few days into March... oh well.

Despite the leap year, February flew by. Had some fun skiing trips and small get-togethers, and started planning for future trips in summer.

Goals review!
- Finished reading Asimov's robot series. It was a fun look into how the distant future could be shaped by various actions.
- Did not clean out electronics. I did gather them and made them ready for sale... Actually worked on a different project, which was to scan a whole bunch of my documents so I could recycle big stacks of papers.

Hmm. So far, I haven't done well on any of my hard goals. Bah.

March goals:
Fun goal: finish playing Zelda Skyward Sword on Wii
Hard goal(s): taxes, and sorting Japan (2014) and SE Asia photos as well as figuring out their future home, since Picasa is going away. Google Photos will be the default, but not sure how much I like them at the moment.

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