Wednesday, June 23, 2010

current amusements

1. re: farscape. almost done, just have the movie left to watch. what the frell is with the ending in season 4? oh right, crazy cliffhangers was something they did to all seasons. sigh to series cancellations...

2. laptop is officially falling apart, meaning i should look into a new one soon. sad cuz i was hoping to wait on a new one...

3. i really dislike articles that gives its information as slideshows. do you REALLY have to make me click through each of those?

4. today i ate at the only schlotzsky's in madison (it's on the east side and kinda far-i'm amazed it's actually even here). man, i miss that place.

5. the library is my current best friend for books, dvds, internet (if my laptop connects...), and quiet working solitude

6. so i'm thinking europe, possibly in the sept/oct range. places high on the list: madrid, athens, prague, rome, budapest. yes, i know, i am going to need more planning than that, and to spend lots of money...

7. uh oh... the 4am nights are coming back... and i'm not even playing starcraft to instigate it.

8. per request, a picture of the paper cranes (both folded and unfolded). current count at 200, eventually hitting 1000... someday.

9. latest hobby - knotting hemp jewelry. i've been working on them these past couple weeks while watching various dvds. slightly mindless knotting with mindless videos, all in a day's work...

10. one more piece of art - i started playing with my tamagoyaki (sweetened egg omelette). and it was delicious.

1 comment:

linda said...

i love your blog. please don't stop