Saturday, June 12, 2010

the mind, it wanders a lot

1. this month's income: $141 from selling stuff in a garage sale and on craigslist. hooray for money!

2. goodbye SC2, for a few weeks...

3. sitting behind 2 kids on an airplane made raising them very unappealing. both of them were tired and antsy, and one of them could not stop crying throughout the ~4hr flight. the poor parents said they had another 4hr flight and 1.5hr drive ahead of them...

4. i'm having second thoughts about the whole move-to-a-new-town thing. there are definitely nice parts about madison and good friendships, all of which i would have to rebuild, substitute, or find again in a new town.

5. that said, i just came back from my first onsite interview! it went ok, could have gone better. they will contact me next week. but now i have motivation to take technical classes too...

6. i am still not a fan of poppyseed in my breads

7. my communication skills are getting dull - i can imagine and hear the phrase i want to use, but i have trouble saying it eloquently

8. i have read more books in the past month than i have in the past... 5 years? and i think the reading streak will continue. hooray! currently reading the gods themselves (asimov) and ender in exile (card)

9. filtering your speech and actions is something that should be done regardless of how well you know the person. any action can be damaging to a relationship, even if they know that is the "real you"

10. when i volunteered to clean some critters' cages today, the little rat drew blood and the guinea pig kept running away from me. it made me a little sad. sorta like keanu sad.


linda said...

hi friend.
1. every time i eat anything with poppyseed i sing a song i made up on my own. "im gonna have drugs in my pee, drugs in my pee, drugs in my pee"

2. on site interview = madison?

3. i loaned some money to the tune of of all i had over my emergency fund. when i gets it back (hopefully in a month), i shall contact you lady!

4. love the keanu link :)

5. miss you

funyun said...

@linda: interviewed in seattle.

poppyseeds equal bad news for my taste buds and my pee.

and hope to hear from you soon =)