Wednesday, July 21, 2010

on a bright wednesday morning...

ten thoughts came to mind

1. we are moving to a smaller apt in a week. which means lots of packing and lots of donations. overall i'm doing well in cleansing a lot of my useless items.

2. along with donations, i have sold many things at local stores and on ebay. so far earned $145 this month (mostly on ebay). w00t!

3. one of my boxes stored all my college chemistry lab reports and exams, on the assumption i would pick it back up some point. i scanned some notes... it's so sad that i barely remember any of it, aside from drawing benzenes and dreading quantum chem's particle in a box

4. my tuesday mornings now go to the dogs - i volunteer at the local shelter to walk them. they are all so adorable... makes me want to quote the girl in despicable me, "it's so fluffy!!!"

5. i need help reviving my motivation to find work... it does not help when i get yelled at by parents that i should never have quit in the first place.

6. blog about being an adult is amusing and sadly true

7. people's actions can be greatly influenced by how they grew up, ex. their good and bad habits, social interactions, etc.

8. tennis is a keeper. next trial activity is dancing.

9. as for leisure activities, reading and jewelry making has slowed down as i am catching up on various movies and tv. arrested development s1, chuck s3, road rovers... heh.

10. i've had several dreams about flying, superman style. not all recent, but it's just intriguing to me. and fun. but sad when i wake up.


linda said...

i'm loving what you're doing with the free time :)

don't listen to your parents just this once.

Unknown said...

yay for trying new things. just be warned, dancing can be so addicting =)