Sunday, September 12, 2010

it's a new week

1. fall is nice, but that means winter is coming. sigh.

2. this job really fell right into my lap as an exact fit for my goals. getting some experience, learning new languages, and getting paid for it all. sweet!

3. despite the good news, i am hitting another identity crisis. i just can't seem to figure out what i really like and/or want out of life

4. and along that note... emotions always get in the way of logical thinking. it's quite annoying.

5. started reading again, though it will be slow since i am working now

6. exercising has slowed down as well, though the nice fall weather is good incentive to go outside

7. societies should teach religious tolerance

8. i seem to have escaped both roommate's sicknesses for now... let's hope it stays that way.

9. godiva should definitely bring back their ice cream parlor truffles next year. the mint chocolate chip truffles are deeeeelicious

10. not exactly a thought, but this seal will forever make me laugh

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