Saturday, December 11, 2010

12-11-10 times the fun

1. current sketchbook progress: 31/80. kinda been slacking, i do a lot more when i have time to kill

2. i need to change my showering habits to nighttime, because the morning cold water is NOT a happy time

3. the holidays make me splurge on gifts for others and myself. good for the season, bad for the wallet

4. i don't react well to other's extreme excitement. brain currently trying to figure out why

5. wheat thins are a glorious munchie

6. i ruined my good poofy jacket by not putting in a front load washer. and the stains didn't even come out! sadness

7. lost at sea by bryan lee o'malley really speaks to my high school self

8. epic mickey (wii) is very interesting. i am sad though the camera angles are not the greatest and gives me headaches after extended play

9. goals before the end of the year: get 70/80 pages done in sketchbook, update my resume, try rock climbing, and hem my pants that have been there over a year...

10. the list of 10 gets harder and harder to write out each time... hmm

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