Tuesday, September 20, 2011

hello world. or something

1. i'm shifting careers in a month. this year as been VERY eventful, and it's only 3/4 done...
2. daiso is a dangerous $1.50 store
3. my sense of perfectionism is also hindering my growth
4. the older i get, the better i am able to tell another person's age
5. i should stop buying fruit-infused chocolates because they are never as good as i think they will be
6. seattle's central library has a very intriguing design. i like it
7. dwelling on the past goes no where. people move on, i need to move forward too
8. my waistline expands fast when i wear khakis all the time. jeans give me a frame of reference.
9. scrapped princess novels are childish but fun
10. sometimes i feel like all this time i've just been running away


linda said...

What are you running from?

Are you leaving your job or is the change within the company?

Are you doing sketchbook again?

Pictures of library? :)

I miss you and hope you are well. Call me if you need/want!

funyun said...

so many questions!
-running from life and commitments
-new position in the company - software test engineer
-no plans to sketchbook this year.
-don't have library pictures - basically the books that are numbered 100-999 are organized in a spiral fashion that spans ~6 floors.