Tuesday, September 6, 2011

september tens

1. this year is really flying by...
2. still in vacation mode from my trip to ny. labor day weekend did not help. anyhow here are some photos
3. i'm happy to report that i have stronger walking legs now, and was able to peruse many stretches of NYC with no problems
4. my goal for this month is to eat at home more often by capping myself at 6 meals out max in a week (lunch & dinner) (yes, still pretty generous...)
5. next set of big purchases - TV, smartphone, vacuum, and lots of airplane tickets
6. spotify is pretty neat
7. i miss my parmesan oregano bread at subway
8. managed to bike ~7 miles on flat roads. got pretty tired towards the end tho
9. hurricanes and fires and other disasters everywhere. oh my...
10. i can feel myself wasting away, hanging on to the past, and falling into routine again... just highly unmotivated recently

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