Tuesday, January 1, 2013

it's a new year!

feels like just another day.
that i happen to have off from work =)

2012 was eventful. i tried a bunch of new things, connected a lot more with my friends and family from afar, climbed out of an emotional rut though fell back into it often. overall, i did a ton of stuff that 10 years ago i would not have imagined myself doing. also got to revisit myself from 10 years ago at my HS reunion and see just how much has changed and how much has stayed the same.

oh yes, and i did make goals for 2012:
1. call my mother at minimum once a month, work towards once a week - semi-done
i didn't actually keep track, but the point was to call more often
2. travel once every 2 months - (over)done!
busy travel year, almost once a month! austin (3/21, 10/19, 12/19), san francisco (2/24), vancouver (4/28, 9/29), portland (5/12, 6/16), madison (7/11), mt. rainier (8/15), and the big one germany/austria (10/27)
3. pickup a new activity - done!
tried out lots of new activities like trapeze, belly dancing, kickball leagues... did some rock climbing and volleyball, and revitalized my yoga, swimming, and biking
4. finish games and projects that i start - eh, we'll call this semi-done
i did finish okamiden and layton diabolical box, but started other games and never finished. oh well
5. read 5 books - done!
stumbling on happiness, the nerdist way, storm of swords, adventures of sherlock holmes, feast of crows (barely finished before 2013)

and for 2013, i'm not declaring goals but things to be mindful of
1. be patient and more open-minded
2. lose weight and maintain it
3. be more accepting of differences
4. stick to one thing at a time
5. travel when you can

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