Tuesday, January 22, 2013

january shenanigans

the magic number 10...
1. photo update - end of 2012 got pretty crazy. but i have many new albums: fall, king tut, visitors in september and october, austin for hs reunion, miscellaneous photos, leavenworth, and austin for the holidays. europe set is still pending...
2. habits to adjust, in order: earlier bedtime, regular exercise, grinding teeth, nutrition
3. i hate being super sensitive to bass sounds booming through walls...
4. how sad. my favorite fruit snack from childhood shrank from 12 to 9 pieces per pouch
5. i might be perpetuating a persona i can't maintain
6. tolerable dark chocolate for me is 60% cocoa, more is too bitter
7. oh right. wrist pain. that's why i stopped playing video games =(
8. i miss the creativity that blossomed from boredom. why does human nature desire things they don't have?
9. january blues, indeed
10. current food cravings - rice, salads with cranberries, and croissants

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