Saturday, December 24, 2011

pre-christmas tens

1. new slew of photos. december always gets crazy
2. i like the excitement of seattle, but i do miss my wisconsin friends and the simpler life of the midwest.
3. seattle taxi drivers have my vote as the worst drivers in the city
4. curse you human nature for being attracted to new and shiny things even though you already have everything you need
5. "done is better than perfect" - something i need to keep in mind
6. in several lineups of watches, my favorites were always the most expensive ones, i.e. priced in the $1,500s while the rest were $300s. apparently i have expensive tastes in watches. sigh.
7. bad years cycle
8. chronic pain also cycles (re: knees)
9. how computers work circa 1978. what a gem
10. i stay up too late nowadays. the fatigue is catching up...

texas, here i come!

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