Tuesday, July 31, 2012

10 dadum dadums

1. yay new camera! now for photo-a-day, but where? blogger, twitter, google+, wordpress, etc.?
2. i was supposed to lose weight this summer, not gain more =(
3. last week was super exhausting - company all staff, followed by a super busy weekend, accompanied with multiple 3am bedtimes. bad me, bad!
4. why does olympics coverage this year feel so proprietary and stoopified for dem dum amerikans?
5. dyslexia is becoming more and more apparent
6. this country's schooling mentality is seriously starting to scare me. talks of removing critical thinking and algebra... what's next, english?
7. i can dream, but i tend not to act
8. ok, i concede... depression and loneliness is getting to me
9. i want to spend a week alone just cleaning up accounts, living space, unfinished projects, etc.
10. i'm getting too accustomed to these non-busy work days...


linda said...

I'm going to miss the freedom of my current job.

Sorry to hear about the loneliness and depression. I'm always an email/call/letter/txt away.

funyun said...

i miss the general freedom we used to associate with summer.

and thanks - you are truly a sweet and awesome friend