Monday, July 23, 2012

10 random thoughts

1. visiting madison again was awesome and bittersweet - great to see everyone, but i really do miss my friends there
2. i wished i biked while i was in madison on their trails
3. new summer photos are up. yay summer!
4. finally tried paintballing and have 12 welts to show for it. maybe i'll hit someone next time -_-
5. new camera was delayed due to train derailment... intriguing.
6. couch + laptop = easy to fall asleep and screw up my productivity
7. i will strive to be friendlier and less picky
8. the dark knight rises. i'm still smiling from excitement
9. ow. back to knee therapy. sigh.
10. this little article perfectly sums up my current discontent


Linda said...

LOVED dark knight.

train derailment?!

funyun said...


yea, apparently a train derailed in Montana and caused a bunch of package delays. mine is back on its way now though, horray!